Sql-server – Existing maintenance plan backup causing 3rd party SQL backup to fail

backupmaintenancesql server

I have a problem with SQL Server backup on the MS SQL Server 2008R2 (SP1) 10.50.2500.

Basically there is a maintenance plan backing up SQL databases into the physical_device_id which is showing up as a string of numbers similar to UUID ({761607B3-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX}11}), the software_vendor_id = 4608 and the user_name = NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM.

When trying to access the existing maintenance plan:

use msdb

select * from sysmaintplan_sublpans
select * from sysmaintplan_plans 

I have no output.

Any help will be much appreciated!

Best Answer

The database server is being backed up by a third party tool not the maintenance plans. The following query will show you the backup vendor information

from msdb.dbo.backupset