Sql-server – Executing Child packages without using master package

sql serverssis

I have many Fact and Dimension packages which are executed using vb script . Today one of my seniors proposed that these packages should be executed individually instead of creating a master package to execute the child pkgs using execute package task .His reasoning was based on the fact that execute package task will create several threads which will be performance intensive when compared to individually executing the packages.

Leaving aside sharing of config file and other issue how can individually executing it be more performant that creating master package for all the child packages?

By the way the child packages are executed out of process which is configured in the Execute Package Task

Best Answer

I use the following as the guideline:

If you are simply using many packages to structure your solution in a more modular fashion, executing in-process is probably the way to go because you don't have the overhead of launching more processes. I'm happy to pass on that advice here.

Quoted from: http://consultingblogs.emc.com/jamiethomson/archive/2005/05/16/1414.aspx