Sql-server – Error in running SQL Server script

scriptingsql serversql-server-2008-r2

I copied oldDatabase as newDatabase. Modified newDatabase's schema.
Meanwhile, oldDatabase's data are processing and updating.

I want to copy oldDatabase's data to newDatabase.

What I have done is:

  1. Clean the data of newDatabase
  2. Generate data only script of oldDatabase
  3. Run this script in newDatabase.

And I got a lot of error messages like:

Cannot insert explicit value for identity column in table 'MyTableName' when   

Invalid column name 'MyColumnName'.

Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_MyTableName'. Cannot insert duplicate  
key in object 'dbo.MyTableName'.

Some tables and rows data are affected. But, tables with above error are not affected. How can I fix it? Is there a best way to make this stuff?


I run my script using this command ,

sqlcmd -S myServerName -U userName -P passowrd -i PathOfMyScriptFile

Best Answer

You have three different types of problems from the looks of it.

Cannot insert explicit value for identity column in table 'MyTableName' when   

You have identity columns. For a table that has an identity column you have three choices. First when you do your insert exclude the identity column. Second remove the identity property from the column in the destination table. Third use identity_insert. To use identity_insert you first turn it on for the table.


Then you do your insert. Note: you have to list all of the columns in the insert.

INSERT INTO MyTableName (fieldlist) VALUES (valuelist)


INSERT INTO MyTableName VALUES (valuelist)

And last but not least make sure you turn identity_insert back off again. Identity_insert can only be turned on for one table at a time for a given connection.


Here is a good walkthrough for insert into identity columns.

Invalid column name 'MyColumnName'.

You said you changed the structure of 'newDatabase'. Well my guess is you removed 'MyColumnName'. Either exclude this from the insert or add the column back. You either need to make sure the structure in newDatabase matches oldDatabase or account for the differences in your inserts.

Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_MyTableName'. Cannot insert duplicate  
key in object 'dbo.MyTableName'.

Last but not least you are inserting data into newDatabase were the data already exists. Or at least the primary key values already exist in newDatabase.MyTableName. My suggestion here is if there is any chance that you are doing updates as well as inserts change your INSERT statements to MERGE statements. Otherwise add a WHERE NOT EXISTS or something similar to the SELECT statement in your INSERT statement to exclude any rows where the primary key already exists in newDatabase.MyTableName.