Sql-server – Error in “BCP IN” operation

bcpsql serversql-server-2012

I have a table in 2 different database.

In Database_A, there is a table created as:

CREATE TABLE tbl_Employee(
    E_Id int null
    ,E_Name varchar(24) not null
    ,Joining_Date datetime not null

In Database_B, the same table is created as:

CREATE TABLE tbl_Employee(
    E_Id int null
    ,E_Name varchar(24) not null
    ,Joining_Date datetime null

The difference is, the column Joining_Date is NOT NULL in Database_A but it allows NULL in the Database_B.

Now when I export data from the table Database_A.dbo.tbl_Employee
using command

bcp "select * from Database_A.dbo.tbl_Employee" queryout "D:\test.txt" -S Server_Name -n -T

and import into Database_B.dbo.tbl_Employee using command

bcp "Database_B.dbo.tbl_Employee2" in "D:\test.txt"-S Server_Name -n -T

It raises an Error:

SQLState = S1000, NativeError = 0
Error = [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0]Unexpected EOF encountered in
BCP data-file

I can not alter the column to NOT NULL on Database_B

Best Answer

Try using with -c which is character instead of -n native

bcp "select * from Database_A.dbo.tbl_Employee" queryout "D:\test.txt" -S Server_Name -c -T

bcp "Database_B.dbo.tbl_Employee" in "D:\test.txt"-S Server_Name -c -T

Or an alternative is to create a format file.

  1. Create format file syntax is:

    bcp Database_A.dbo.tbl_Employee format -null -f D:\BCPFormat.fmt -n -T
  2. Export as normal with native:

    bcp "select * from Database_A.dbo.tbl_Employee" queryout "D:\test.txt" -S Server_Name -n -T 
  3. Import with -k keeps nulls and format file, no -n flag needed.

    bcp Database_B.dbo.Employee in "D:\Test.txt" -S Server_Name -f D:\BCPFormat.fmt -k -T
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