Sql-server – Error 20598 – The row was not found at the Subscriber when applying the replicated command

sql serversql-server-2016transactional-replication

I am facing the error 20598 with Transactional Replication:

The row was not found at the Subscriber when applying the replicated command.

Normally this error occurs when an UPDATE or DELETE statement is executed by the publisher for a primary key value and the record (against which UPDATE/DELETE executed) does not exist in the subscriber database.

But in my case the scenario is different.

I diagnosed and found the record exists in the article/table of subscriber database, because when I executed the command (retrieved with help of sp_browsereplcmds) at the subscriber it executed successfully.

What may be the possible reason of it?

I'm using SQL Server 2016 both side.

Best Answer

What may be the possible reason of it?

There are multiple reasons that could cause this:

  1. It could be someone or a process/apps deleted and inserted the data in subscriber db (while cmds are being applied). Review your subscriber security settings and check what process/apps are accessing the subscriber db.
  2. Multiple publications connected to subscriber db. pub1 (deleted the data first) then pub2 tried to UPDATE/DELETE the data which could cause an error 20598.
  3. Triggers on subscriber tables that could delete/insert/update the data.