Sql-server – encryption of SSRS subscription emails and attachments


Is it possible to set up an SSRS e-mail subscription, with an attachment, that is encrypted?

POST ANSWER-ACCEPT UPDATE: Does the SMTPUseSSL switch in the RSReportServer.config file help me at all?

ONE MORE UPDATE: No, the SMTPUseSSL switch does not get me there. I have validated the answer below here:

The default e-mail delivery extension does not provide support for digitally signing or encrypting outgoing mail messages.

Best Answer

Not out of the box as far as I am aware, and if you need to distribute reports to external parties this is a bad idea as they will all have to install third party encryption software (incurring licensing and support costs). It will also put your help desk people into the job of babysitting all the users as they forget their keys.

You're much better off providing a secure portal (this can be done with Sharepoint if you have this) and emailing out links to the reports.