SQL Server 2008 R2 – Missing Microsoft.Jet Provider


I moved an Excel linked server from SQL Server 2005 (it was built on Jet 4.0, excel 5?) to a new SQL Server 2008 R2 instance (64 bit environment). I matched the settings for both, but it seems the system tables in the Catalogs\defaults.. didn't transfer..

The new server providers list doesn't have the Jet 4 or the Microsoft ACE 12….

How can I install them? hoping that will fix the issue

Thanks in advance,


Best Answer

I believe that starting in 2008 R2 Jet was no longer included with the SQL Server install. For R2 64 bit I believe you will need to download and install the Microsoft Access Database Engine Redistributable package found here.

This should install the necessary drivers for Office doc access from 64 bit SQL Server.