Sql-server – Don’t delete exist data with SSMA

migrationsql serverssmasybase

I'm trying to use Microsoft's SQL Server Migration Assistant for Sybase 5.3 ('SSMA') to migrate multiple Sybase databases (that have the same schema) to a single MSSQL database.

The first database migrated fine. But when I try to migrate data from the next one, I see lots of warnings like:

The table 'MyDatabase.dbo.MyTable' contains data.
If you continue with data migration, all data in the table will be deleted.

I don't want the existing data to be deleted, but can't find a way to do this in SSMA.

Best Answer

I figured it out. I had to go to Tools > Options > General > Migration and set Extended data migration options to Show.

Then I had a new Data Mig... tab for each table, and had to uncheck Truncate SQL Server table and hit Apply individually for each table. Rather laborious when you have a lot of tables... but it worked.