Sql-server – Dividing DBCC CHECKDB over multiple days

dbcc-checkdbsql servervldb

I'm working on implementing Paul Randal's method of manually spreading DBCC CHECKDB over several days for very large databases, which basically consists of:

  • Dividing the tables in the database roughly equally between 7 buckets
  • Running a DBCC CHECKALLOC twice a week
  • Running a DBCC CHECKCATALOG once a week
  • Running a DBCC CHECKTABLE on one bucket each day of the week

Has anyone used this technique? Any existing scripts out there?

I'm concerned this may not actually cover everything that CHECKDB does; the Books Online documentation for CHECKDB says that in addition to CHECKALLOC, CHECKCATALOG and CHECKTABLE, it also:

  • Validates the contents of every indexed view in the database.
  • Validates link-level consistency between table metadata and file system directories and files when storing varbinary(max) data in the file system using FILESTREAM. (SQL 2008 only)
  • Validates the Service Broker data in the database.

So here are my questions:

  1. Are these additional checks necessary/important? (Indexed views are probably a bit more concerning to me, I don't think we are using Service Broker or FILESTREAM yet.)

  2. If so, are there ways to perform these additional checks separately?

  3. CHECKALLOC and CHECKCATALOG seem to run very quickly, even on large dbs. Any reason not to run these every day?

(Note: this will be a standard routine for thousands of existing databases across hundreds of servers, or at least every database over a certain size. This means that options like restructuring all databases to use CHECKFILEGROUP aren't really practical for us.)

Best Answer

Are these additional checks necessary/important? (Indexed views are probably a bit more concerning to me, I don't think we are using Service Broker or FILESTREAM yet.)

You can run DBCC CHECKTABLE WITH EXTENDED_LOGICAL_CHECKS directly on the indexed views. Checking indexed views can be problematic in certain circumstances, so be prepared to investigate any false positives that result. (Paul Randal also mentions in the comments to the referenced article that false negatives are also possible, but I have no direct experience of that.)

If so, are there ways to perform these additional checks separately?

There's no support for running the Service Broker or FILESTREAM checks separately, no.

CHECKALLOC and CHECKCATALOG seem to run very quickly, even on large dbs. Any reason not to run these every day?

Not that I am aware of.

You might also consider running DBCC CHECKCONSTRAINTS. This check is not included in DBCC CHECKDB, regardless of any options you may specify. You may also want to think about occasionally running CHECKDB, as and when circumstances permit.