SQL Server Management Studio – Display Table Names in Titles

sql serverssms

Does anyone know how to get SQL Server Management Studio to display the Table names in the Title. Right now they are next to useless and every time I need to look at a table I have to reopen it.

SSMS Tab Results

In the good old days I used to use to Enterprise Manager and that was much more useful.

Enterprise Manager Table Titles

I found Brent Ozars article here, and the corresponding entry in Options… doesn't seem to be anything useful in there. Maybe a 3rd Party Product?

Best Answer

If, when opening a table you choose Edit Top X Rows instead of Select Top X Rows:

Edit Option

The table name will then be displayed in the address bar:

Tab Title

which makes navigating between already open tables much easier.

You can use the SQL button if you need to edit the query in any way, but if you change it too much it defeats the object of having the table name in the title to start with.

Of course you should be using your "read only" user to do this on production systems.