Sql-server – Difference in Size of SQL Server 2008 R2 backup on Local disk and on Remote Network Share

sql server

I wanted to take backups of all SQL Server 2008 R2 databases on a network share, I already have a backup schedule for backup on local disk. I have tried two methods:

Using both above methods for the backup on network drive, there is hell a lot of difference of the size of data as compared to backup on local disk. Please see details below

Backup of data using SQL Server 2008 R2 Scheduler:

When I took the backup of the data using the SQL Server 2008 R2 scheduler

  1. The size of the data was almost 10.5 GB.
  2. The number of files that were backup were 30 items/files

Backup of data using SQLBackupAndFTP software:

When I took the backup of the data using the SQL Server 2008 R2 scheduler

  1. The size of the data was almost 822 MB.
  2. The number of files that were backup were 28 items/files

I really wonder what has been done, the backup files in both cases have extension .bak and no compression is done.

Backup of data using SQL Sserver 2008 R2 on Local Disk and on Network Share:

I then configured two jobs:

  1. One for backup on the local disk drive
  2. One for the backup on the network share

To my surprise, there is still difference of Size in data and files, please see screen shots below. I really wonder what is happening and why is there so much difference in the size of data.

Any body has any idea, please feel free to comment and share your knowledge.

Best Answer

You say you are "using SQLDATABACKUPANDFTP Software" if this software is from http://sqlbackupandftp.com/ then it says it "Zips, Encrypts and FTPs the database backups" which would explain much of the difference.

I'm afraid your screenshots didn't appear so I can't comment on the other difference.