Sql-server – Difference between SSAS 2005 and SSAS 2008


I'm asking this question since i'm planning to book a seminar, but the provider told me that they only offer trainings for SSAS 2008 or as individual training which are expensive.

So my question: would it be worthwile to book the SSAS 2008 seminar although we're using SSAS 2005 or are the differences too big?

Best Answer

I went through a pretty thorough 2008R2 training a year ago. It wasn't radically different from 2005, but it was different enough that you're going to face quite a bit of frustration when you can't do things in 2005, or the things you want to do are done differently. SSAS has been changing quite a lot over the last several releases. This is the list of changes between 2005 & 2008, and it's not small. The new designers are the things that are going to cause you the most pain.