Sql-server – Difference between EXEC() and sp_executesql with no parameters


I just learned about the new sp_executesql stored procedure. I like the fact that there's a way to execute parameterized code from within SQL Server.

But, I'm wondering what the difference is between using the sp_executesql stored procedure when you don't have any parameters versus just calling EXEC directly. Also, is there a performance implication?

exec('select * from line_segment')
exec sp_executesql N'select * from line_segment'

Also, is there a difference between 2005 and 2008 or do they handle these the same?

Best Answer

sp_executesql supports parameterisation, whereas EXEC only accepts a string.

Only performance differences that may arise are due to the parameterisation i.e. a parameterised sp_executesql call is more likely to have a reusable cached plan. An EXEC call is likely to lead to lots of single use space wasters in the plan cache.