Sql-server – Determining maximum table size, type of engine and type of indexes supported


How many types of indexes are available with SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server 2008? MySQL has a variety of options like: Hashed, BTree, etc. What are the choices in SQL Server?

I also want to determine the maximum table size supported and consumed and the type of storage engine SQL Server is using.

Please explain both, 2005 and 2008 professional and express editions.

Best Answer

  • SQL Server has B-Tree indexes only. Other types are hardly used day to day.
  • All maximum capacity specs for 2008 are here: there is a link to SQL Server 2005. Note SQL Server does not have "limits" apart of disk space for size of the DB or a table.
  • Express differs in other ways: see editions
  • Like Sybase, Oracle, Postgres, SQL Server is a single engine. As an approximation, InnoDB is MySQL's closest in concept

Note: if you come from MySQL, do not make assumptions about SQL Server. It (like other RDBMS) are more complex and mature then MySQL in many respects