Sql-server – Deploying Ola Hallengrens scripts – Index Optimization

index-tuningola-hallengrensql serversql server 2014

Never before I used Ola Hallengren Scripts .

I am planning to deploy the Ola Hallengren scripts for Index Optimization for the first time. I need to deploy them in PROD so I want to be more careful. Anyhow will first test in Dev environment. But please help me understanding the important things to keep in mind before deploy OH Index optimization scripts.

I copied the media from link and below commands :

enter image description here

As I mentioned I never deployed the OH scripts before.

Can anyone who already deployed and successfully using the OH Index Optimization scripts guide me on below:

  1. Important parameter Values which I need to modify?
  2. Where will these commands create the SP and related Command Execute and Command Log, all in Master Database or MSDB?
  3. Series of code execution – Which code I need to execute first?
  4. What is command Log here?
  5. We are with AOAG set up on SQL Server 2014. Please guide me keep this in view.

NOTE : We are using AOAG 2014.

Please help me keeping this in mind. I can first test in Dev and later deploy in PROD.

Best Answer

Ola Hallengren's solution is based on beset practice and years of experience. There are some quirks though. Take a look....

Before you start

Before you run the initial script, check the first few parameters and the database used:

  • use [master]
  • @CreateJobs
  • @BackupDirectory
  • @CleanupTime
  • @OutputFileDirectory
  • @LogToTable

Hint: Because the tables and procedures are created in the database specified at line 20 in the script (use [master]), you might want to consider storing these objects in a different database, by modifying the script to point to e.g. the msdb database, or some other user specified database.

Hint: Read the description for each parameter and modify according to your requirements or restrictions.

Objects created

The solution is deployed as one script named MaintenanceSolution.sql, which itself will create stored procedures, tables and jobs .

Following is a list of objects that are created:


  • [dbo].[ComandLog]

Stored Procedures

  • [dbo].[CommandExecute]
  • [dbo].[DatabaseBackup]
  • [dbo].[DatabaseIntegrityCheck]
  • [dbo].[IndexOptimize]

Getting started

Out of the box Ola's MaintenanceSolution.sql script will create the following jobs:

  • Database Backup - SYSTEM_DATABASES - FULL
  • Database Backup - USER_DATABASES - DIFF
  • Database Backup - USER_DATABASES - FULL
  • Database Backup - USER_DATABASES - LOG
  • DatabaseIntegrityCheck - SYSTEM_DATABASES
  • DatabaseIntegrityCheck - USER_DATABASES
  • IndexOpitmize - USER_DATABASES
  • sp_delete_backuphistory
  • sp_purge_jobhistory
  • Output File Cleanup
  • CommandLog Cleanup

Hint: Please be aware that Ola's solution does not create any job schedules! This is something you will have to plan for and create yourself.

Now if you know that these jobs belong to Ola's solution, then you can leave them as is. Otherwise if you would prefer to mark them, then you might consider prefixing a string inside the MaintenanceSolution.sql before you execute the script. Do a regex search for the string SET @JobName[0-9][0-9] = ' with a suitable text-editor and add a prefix to the job's name

e.g. OLA Database Backup - SYSTEM_DATABASES - FULL

Consideration: Please keep in mind that if you update the scripts later on with a newer version from Ola and don't alter the names from the original to match your naming convention, then you will have duplicate jobs. You might want to keep the job names "as-is".


Ola created his IndexOptimize stored procedure according to the following Microsoft recommendations:

  • General Index Maintenace when data/index > 1000 pages
    • Fragmentation >5% and <= 30%
      • Do: Index Reorg
    • Fragmentation > 30%
      • Do: Index Rebuild

Hint: Depending on your data and/or the amount of records in some of your tables, you might want to consider creating individual jobs with different parameters that suit your requirements for larger tables.

Database backups

The backup job create sub-directories for each level of the database's instance. So if you are running the script on a server MyServer on an instance named MyInstance and the database is named MyDatabase and you are looking at a Full backup, then the backup file will be stored in the following directory with the following name:


A DIFF backup will look like this:



Best practice

Consider deploying the solution to a development server as is (ok, modify the database you will be using) and then have a look at the individual scripts, jobs and tables. Familiarise yourself with the solution and then modify according to your requirements.

And of course consider reading Ola's documentation on his site: