SQL Server Files – How to Delete Files from Within SQL Server

extended-stored-procedurefilessql server

I've been using xp_delete_file to delete old backup files but I now an a need to delete files that are part of an application (as part of GDPR). As xp_delete_file only will only let you delete log or backup files, I thought I'd write my own in C#.

The trouble I'm finding now is extended stored procedures can only be rolled out to the master database. I'd rather contain this new stored procedure in my own user db so I can distribute via source control etc.

Does anyone know a way round this without using xp_cmdshell?

It could be done in PowerShell. I could even write the entire thing in C#. It however be really handy to be able to do it in T-SQL as well.

I am open to using a CLR stored procedure that invokes C# code. I was thinking of changing the stored procedure to a function if I can't deploy a stored procedure.

Best Answer

Extended Stored Procedures (XPs) have been deprecated as of the release of SQL Server 2005 and new projects should not be using that API.

This can be done easily via SQLCLR, and yes, you can return a string (or most datatypes) from a C# method. The only construct restricted to returning an INT is a Stored Procedure, and that holds true for both T-SQL and SQLCLR Stored Procedures.

You would use something along the lines of:

using System;
using System.IO;

public class Stuff
  public static SqlString DeleteFile ([SqlFacet(MaxSize=500)] SqlString FilePath)
    string _ReturnMessage = String.Empty;


      _ReturnMessage = "some text here";
    catch (Exception _Error)
      _ReturnMessage = _Error.Message;

  return new SqlString(_ReturnMessage);

When you create the T-SQL wrapper object, be sure to specify the RETURNS NULL ON NULL INPUT option so that it won't even both executing if a NULL is passed in (you should probably add additional validation to the method, such as returning if an empty string is passed in, etc):

  @FilePath NVARCHAR(500)

Since the Assembly will need to be marked as PERMISSION_SET = EXTERNAL_ACCESS, please do not set the Database to TRUSTWORTHY ON. Instead you should sign the Assembly, create the Asymmetric Key or Certificate in [master], create a Login from that Asymmetric Key or Certificate, and then grant that Login the EXTERNAL ACCESS ASSEMBLY permission (if using SQL Server 2005 - 2016) or the UNSAFE ASSEMBLY permission (starting with SQL Server 2017).

For detailed instructions for doing this via a build process, you can try either of the two techniques I describe in the following blog posts (both work fully with SSDT or independently):

Also consider supporting my Asymmetric Key suggestion which would eliminate most of the hassle of publishing signed Assemblies:

Allow Asymmetric Key to be created from binary hex bytes string just like CREATE CERTIFICATE

OR, if you would rather not deal with any of this, there is a File_Delete function in the SQL# SQLCLR library (that I wrote) that does this. It even returns a string, which is the error message if an error occurs, else is just an empty string. No way to have it pass back a custom string on success, though. Also, please note that while there is a Free version, the File System functions are only available in the Full version. But the security aspect would all be handled cleanly and properly, and there is even a T-SQL Stored Procedure, that exists in the same DB as the SQLCLR code, that will set up the Asymmetric Key and associated Login in [master] (which could help with deployments to new systems by not requiring a full install, as long as this Stored Procedure was deployed and executed prior to deploying any Assemblies (assuming an environment of SQL Server 2017)).


SQL Server 2019 (which was not available at the time I posted this answer) introduces a new, undocumented system stored procedure, xp_delete_files, that is a bit more flexible than xp_delete_file. For more info, please see my answer here (also on DBA.SE):

How is the new system stored procedure sys.xp_delete_files different from sys.xp_delete_file?