Sql-server – Database file location change on standby site after restore standby database

log-shippingrestoresql server

I am configuring Log shipping from SQL Server 2008R2 to 2016 using NORECOVERY option with Log Shopping jobs. I have successfully configured Backup, Copy and Restore jobs.

When I perform a restore on the standby database, then its Database file location changes on standby site.

I was creating a standby database at D:\<FOLDER>, but after restoring the database on 2016 using Restore -> Database, the location changed to
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL13.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA.

Best Answer

There are 2 ways you can fix this.

  1. As @ramakant mentioned, SQL Server is using the default paths setup on the server. To change this, right click on the server in Object Explorer>Properties>Database Settings>Database Default Locations. Changing these values will automatically restore all databases to those directories unless different paths are specified.

  2. You need to restore the database via a script, and that way you can specify where the files will be. That will restore a database from a local location to the D: drive. Alter the script as required with regards to the locations.

    DISK = N'C:\Work\MyDatabase.bak' WITH  FILE = 1,  
    MOVE N'MyDatabase' TO N'C:\MSSQL\Data\MyDatabase.mdf',  
    MOVE N'MyDatabase_log' TO N'C:\MSSQL\Log\MyDatabase_log.ldf',  

More Info : RESTORE Statements (Transact-SQL)

Either one of these methods will work for you.