Sql-server – Creating Temporal table without adding DateTime columns

sql servertemporal-tables

I'm an SQL server DBA and new to Temporal tables. We have the following issue:
As part of implementing temporal tables mechanism , there's a need to add to datetime columns (so DWH will have the ability to investigate only last modified columns).

  1. 1st problem is that our R&D are trying to avoid from altering table structure (adding columns) as it is a sensitive and big table.

  2. 2nd problem is that the original table contains MODIF DATE column.
    This column is being updated at the datetime value of the update transaction beginning time warriors I need the COMMIT time.(gaps are critical)

enter image description here

My question:

Is there a possibility to turn the original table to Temporal one , without adding columns and only by using the CREATION date and MODIF date built-in columns?

Will appreciate any support here!

Best Answer

If you're using System-Versioned Temporal Tables then I believe you need not change your table schema. Rather separate tables are created to automatically manage history on your existing tables.

There's also alternatives in SQL Server that shouldn't require you to change your existing table schema either such as Change Tracking or Change Data Capture (CDC).