Sql-server – Creating index for large table is taking forever


I am trying to create Index for a large table with row count of 496,000,000 and the database is on SQL Server 2012 Enterprise edition. I know how to create index but its taking forever and would like know how to make it faster? Here is the script i tried.

create clustered index.....on table.name ([Column.name] desc)
    with (
            PAD_INDEX = off
            ,SORT_IN_TEMPDB = off
            ,DROP_EXISTING = off
            ,ONLINE = off
            ,ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = on
            ,ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = on
            ) on [PRIMARY] 

Best Answer

Create clustered index ix1_table1 on dbo.table1 (col1) with (online = on)

This will take a little longer, the online part, but it will allow users to continues using the table while the index is being created. Every table (with very few exceptions) should have a clustered index.