Sql-server – Creating a view on a non-existing view

sql serverview

I have a whole bunch of views that I need to create. Many of these views depend on other views.

If I create a view that depends on a view not yet created, I get an Invalid Object error.

Rather than go through the whole lot and work out the dependencies and then deal with creating them all in the correct order, is there a way I can just switch this checking off until all the views are created?

It is possible to delete a dependant view after the view is installed, so it is possible for the database to be in a state where a view exists that depends on a non-existent object. I need it to accept being in this state during creation..

Best Answer

To my knowledge it's not possible to create a view that is missing objects referenced in that view.

Why is it such a pain to know what the dependencies are on your views? You are CREATING them, right?

Do they already exist in another database? If so you can use SSMS or SMO to script them out in dependency order and bypass this issue.