Sql-server – Create users in SQL Server 2012

permissionssql serverusers

I created a new login and a new user and I mapped a database in SQL Server 2012. In the login properties in Securables, we selected permissions "deny" for "View any database" for the user to see only the specified database.

The problem is that the user does not see any database.

If I select "Grant" to "View any database", user can see all databases. How can I make the user can see only the specified database?

Best Answer

Please do this after denying access to other database .. i think newely created user's default database is MASTER you need to give him newley created db as default database. you can do this by following steps

1) go to SECURITY >> LOGINS >> Select USER >> RIGHT CLICK on it >> Select PROPERTIES >> Select you newley created Database in DEFAULT DATABASE

Please see below screenshot for the reference

Assign default database