Sql-server – Converting outer apply with Correlated subquery in SQL Server to SQLite

sql serversqlite

I need to convert a query in SQL Server to SQlite and I have replaced the outer apply to left outer join, but how to limit the subquery to return only 1 in this situation? And how to pass the reference value from outer table into sub query?

I have highlight the things that i am not able to convert it into Sqlite, can anybody please give some advise ?

SQL Server:

SELECT  a.id,
        a.CodeValue ,
        a.TotalAmount ,
        InvoiceRevised.BillNumber AS RevisedInvoice,
        patientlookup.RegistrationNumber AS RegistrationNumber,
        patientlookup.PatientName AS PatientName,
FROM dbo.Invoices a
SELECT TOP 1 dbo.Invoices.Id AS RevisedInvoiceId,CodeValue AS InvoiceNumber,
    dbo.SCSInvoiceRels.CreatedOn AS InvoiceTime,
    dbo.Invoices.CreatedBy AS InvoiceCreatedBy,
    FROM Invoices 
    INNER JOIN dbo.SCSInvoiceRels ON dbo.Invoices.Id = dbo.SCSInvoiceRels.InvoiceId 
        AND dbo.SCSInvoiceRels.RecordStatus = 1 AND dbo.Invoices.RecordStatus = 1 AND  dbo.SCSInvoiceRels.SCDetailId IN (
            SELECT SCDetailId FROM dbo.SCSInvoiceRels WHERE InvoiceId = a.id)
) InvoiceRevised
SELECT TOP 1 pr.CodeValue AS RegistrationNumber,pa.Name AS PatientName FROM dbo.PatientRegs pr 
INNER JOIN dbo.Patients pa ON pa.id = pr.PatientId
INNER JOIN dbo.SCDetails SC ON pr.id = SC.RegId 
INNER JOIN dbo.SCSInvoiceRels SCb ON SC.id = SCb.SCDetailId
WHERE SCb.InvoiceId = a.Id
) patientlookup
WHERE RecordStatus = 0 AND  UpdateOn IS NOT NULL


SELECT  a.id,
        a.CodeValue ,
        a.TotalAmount ,
        InvoiceRevised.BillNumber AS RevisedInvoice,
        patientlookup.RegistrationNumber AS RegistrationNumber,
        patientlookup.PatientName AS PatientName,
FROM dbo.Invoices a
Left outer join (
SELECT dbo.Invoices.Id AS RevisedInvoiceId,CodeValue AS InvoiceNumber,
    dbo.SCSInvoiceRels.CreatedOn AS InvoiceTime,
    dbo.Invoices.CreatedBy AS InvoiceCreatedBy, 
    FROM Invoices 
    INNER JOIN dbo.SCSInvoiceRels ON dbo.Invoices.Id = dbo.SCSInvoiceRels.InvoiceId 
        AND dbo.SCSInvoiceRels.RecordStatus = 1 AND dbo.Invoices.RecordStatus = 1 AND  dbo.SCSInvoiceRels.SCDetailId IN (
            SELECT SCDetailId FROM dbo.SCSInvoiceRels WHERE InvoiceId = a.id)
) InvoiceRevised
Left outer join(
SELECT pr.CodeValue AS RegistrationNumber,
       pa.Name AS PatientName,
       SCb.InvoiceId as InvoiceId 
FROM dbo.PatientRegs pr 
INNER JOIN dbo.Patients pa ON pa.id = pr.PatientId
INNER JOIN dbo.SCDetails SC ON pr.id = SC.RegId 
INNER JOIN dbo.SCSInvoiceRels SCb ON SC.id = SCb.SCDetailId
) patientlookup on patientlookup.InvoiceId = a.Id
WHERE RecordStatus = 0 AND  UpdateOn IS NOT NULL

Best Answer

SQLite does not support lateral or correlated joins. You can work around that using a join condition. For example:

create table t1 (id int, name text);
create table t2 (id int, t1id int references t1(id), name text);
insert into t1 values (1, 'a'), (2, 'b'), (3, 'c');
insert into t2 values (1, 1, 'a1'), (2, 1, 'a2'), (3, 2, 'b1');

Now we'd like to look up at most one row from t2, sorted by name. Here's one approach that will work in SQLite:

select  *
from    t1
left join
on      t2.id =
        select  id
        from    t2
        where   t1.id = t2.t1id
        order by
                name desc
        limit   1

Example at SQL Fiddle.