Sql-server – Convert Varchar To Datetime and Add Seconds

sql serversql-server-2016type conversion

I have the following two columns in my table

callstarttime       callduration
20180101215910        120
20180101215710        220

The first column's data type is varchar(255) whilst the second column is int.

What I want is to add the callduration to the callstarttime inorder to get the time which the call ended.

So I need to first convert the callstarttime column to datetime and then use the Dateadd function.

My script is as follows:

select convert(datetime, callstarttime) from Mytable

I have also tried using cast as follows

select cast(callstarttime as datetime) from Mytable

However I am getting the following error

Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string.

Similar questions have been asked on Convert varchar column to datetime and how to convert this varchar to datetime format?, however I can't tailor my script based on the solutions provided there.

Best Answer

Let me know how this works for you.

CREATE TABLE #t (callstarttime VARCHAR(255), callduration INT);
INSERT #t ( callstarttime, callduration )
VALUES('20180101215910', 120),('20180101215710', 220)
) AS x (callstarttime, callduration);

WITH munge AS (
    LEFT(callstarttime, 8) AS d,
    STUFF(STUFF(SUBSTRING(callstarttime, 9, LEN(callstarttime)) , 3, 0, ':'), 6, 0, ':') AS t
FROM #t AS t
       TRY_CONVERT(DATETIME, d + ' ' + t),
       DATEADD(SECOND, munge.callduration, TRY_CONVERT(DATETIME, d + ' ' + t))
FROM munge