How to Convert SQL Server Results to Text File for PowerShell

powershellsql serversql-server-2008sql-server-2008-r2sql-server-2012

The query below is used to create a text file with a list of server names.

The problem I have is that the text file gets created like

Server, Server, Server etc.

but I need it as follows


The query:

    CREATE TABLE [TempPSWmiObjectQuery]
                (QueryText nvarchar(max))

INSERT INTO [TempPSWmiObjectQuery]

SELECT STUFF((SELECT char(13)+char(10), 
             SUBSTRING(ServerName, 1, 
             CASE WHEN CHARINDEX(',', ServerName) > 0 
                  THEN CHARINDEX(',', ServerName)-1
                  ELSE LEN(ServerName)
FROM MasterList
FOR XML PATH('')), 1, 1, '')

EXEC sp_configure 'xp_cmdshell', 1;  

EXEC xp_cmdshell 'bcp SQLEnv.dbo.TempPSWmiObjectQuery out "\\ServerName\Data\temp\testlist.txt" -c -T -S "ServerName\Instance"'

EXEC sp_configure 'xp_cmdshell', 0;  

DROP TABLE TempPSWmiObjectQuery

The PowerShell Script:

        $StagingServer = "ServerName\InstanceName"
        $StagingServerDatabase = "SQLEnv" 

    foreach($line in 
        Get-WmiObject win32_Service -Computer $line  | where {$_.DisplayName 
    -match "SQL Server"} | select SystemName, DisplayName, Name, State, 
    Status, StartMode, StartName | ConvertTo-DbaDataTable | Write- 
    DbaDataTable -SqlInstance $StagingServer -Database 
    $StagingServerDatabase -Table _SQLServicesInfo -AutoCreateTable -Confirm


Best Answer

This answer assumes multiple comma's are in a single row of the ServerName column, and these need to be removed & Line feed + Carriage returns added instead of each comma.

There could be better ways to get your endresult, but to write to a text file without the comma's, you could use the REPLACE() function.

CHARINDEX() will only give you the location of the first value found.

CREATE TABLE [TempPSWmiObjectQuery](QueryText nvarchar(max));
INSERT INTO [TempPSWmiObjectQuery]
SELECT  REPLACE(ServerName,',',+ ' '+char(13)+char(10) )  -- Replace comma with space, line feed and carriage return.
FROM MasterList;

EXEC sp_configure 'xp_cmdshell', 1;  

EXEC xp_cmdshell 'bcp SQLEnv.dbo.TempPSWmiObjectQuery out "\\ServerName\Data\temp\testlist.txt" -c -T -S "ServerName\Instance"';

EXEC sp_configure 'xp_cmdshell', 0;  

DROP TABLE TempPSWmiObjectQuery;


INSERT INTO MasterList(ServerName)

Result enter image description here

Change SELECT REPLACE(ServerName,',',+ ' '+char(13)+char(10) ) to SELECT REPLACE(ServerName,',',+ ' ' ) if you don't want new lines.