SQL Server Connectivity – Fix Connection Reset by Peer: Socket Write Error

connectivityjdbcsql serversql-server-2012

We have a vendor working on Java (JDBC) application saying they are getting the error

Connection Reset by Peer: Socket Write Error

They are insisting that the SQL Server (SQL Server 2012) is forcibly disconnecting their application server for some reason. I have run Profiler traces to collect Attention and User Error Message events and have found nothing helpful. I have checked the ring buffer and have only failed logins – no disconnects.

SELECT CAST(record AS XML) FROM sys.dm_os_ring_buffers

Windows logs do not show anything helpful. Is this an error I should be able to track down in SQL Server, or is this purely a network error that will need a network trace or something else? Any ideas?

Best Answer

Doesn't look like an issue with SQL Server. Here's a link which talks about connection being forcibly closed by sql server :


Also, the following post might help you analyze the error further :
