Configuring SSIS, SSRS, and SQL Server – Three Server Model

sql server 2014ssis-2014ssrs-2014

I have a requirement for a third party vendor application which requires SSIS and SSRS. The vendor had suggested this 3 server model, and my management is going ahead with the same. Three VMs are being provisioned, one each for SQL Server, SSIS, and SSRS.

I want to know in what ways I can configure SSIS and SSRS to work with the SQL Server. Also, what would be the best way to create SSIS packages? Because, if the packages have to be created on the dedicated instance, I still need to create a local instance of the database engine on the SSIS server.

I need some guidance as to how I can configure SSIS and SSRS in conjunction with the SQL Server instance in the third VM. I am fairly new to these two areas. I am going through these two links:

  1. Configuring SSIS

  2. Configuring SSRS

Please let me know if another URL would provide detailed step by step information.

Also, would the three servers have to be in the same cluster?

The system is spread across continents hence we expect a lot of users in the long term. The way it was planned was to have separate instances of SSIS and SSRS, and they point to a database in an Always On setup which stores the reporting information.

Best Answer

What you are asking about is broad architecture rather than specific issues. I dont believe there will be a single document that gives you a step by step guide.

If your vendor is making this reccomendation you could ask them to explain thier design with at least some basic documentation and diagrams that help you understand the layout.

If you are unfamiliar with either of these products you have a big learning curve ahead of you. MSDN is probably the best place to start. If you have specific issues then you should google those.

Assuming your main database is already running, i would start by installing an instance for SSRS. Then work through designing and deploying a report that connects to your source db.

Then repeat for SSIS. Set up the server and design and deploy a basic package.

A key part of learning about both SSRS & SSIS is learning about datasources, connection managers and connection strings.

If you are unfamiliar with these concepts and your company is expecting you to install configure and develop with these products they might be expecting too much of you and I suggest that you ask for assistance.