Sql-server – Combining data from multiple rows


I am relatively new when working with queries so let me apologize in advance. This is SQL Server 2012 that I will be working with. This data has been brought into a staging table through a nightly import from Excel. I need to move this data from this table into our main hardware table and make sure that I insert any new data while checking to make sure it updates any of the older data. I will give as much information as I can, please bear with me.

The field names are:

|Ticket_Num | Name | Worker | date1 | Serial | Part | Description1 | Type1 | Eqmt_Type |

I need to bring them into a table that has this:

   |Event_NUM|Name|Install_Date|Pull_Date|Install_Tech|Pull_Tech| PMP1_Desc|PMP1_Part|PMP1_Serial|PMP2_Desc|PMP2_Part|PMP2_Serial|PMP3_Desc|PMP3_Part|PMP3_Serial|Motor1_Desc|Motor1_Serial|Motor1_Part|Motor2_Desc| Motor2_Serial| Cab1_Disc|Cab1_Part|Cab1_Serial|Cab2_Desc|Cab2_Part|Cab2_Serial|Dis1_Desc|Dis1_Part|Dis1_Serial|Dis2_Desc|Dis2_Part|Disc2_Serial|

Here is SQL Fiddle with an example of the data being pulled in from Excel:
SQL Fiddle for data to be inserted

Here is SQL Fiddle with an example of what I would like: SQL Fiddle example of what I would like

Best Answer

Is it possible to redesign your schema? It feels like you are making life harder for yourself by basically trying to pivot the data you're importing from the excel spreadsheets.

CREATE TABLE dbo.Hardware -- hw?
    [Name] NVARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
    [Install_Date] DATE NULL,  -- Install after pulling?
    [Pull_Date] DATE NOT NULL,
    [Install_Tech] INT NULL FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES dbo.techs(UserId), -- separate out your techs to another table
    [Pull_Tech] DATE NOT NULL FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES dbo.techs(UserId), -- separate out your techs to another table
    <Add other common fields here>

CREATE TABLE dbo.ComponentType -- Or some better name for PMP, Motor, dis, etc. table
    [ComponentTypeId] INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
    [Description] NVARCHAR(50) NOT NULL -- This is where you would put PMP, Motor, etc.

CREATE TABLE dbo.WorkPerformed
    [ComponentTypeId] INT NOT NULL FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES dbo.ComponentType(ComponentTypeId), -- FK to type lets us reuse this structure for all components and prevents the need to pivot the excel data
    [Event_Num] INT NOT NULL FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES dbo.Hardware(Event_Num), -- Allows you to associate the work performed with the hw
    [Description] NVARCHAR(400) NULL,
    [SerialNumber] NVARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
    [Part] NVARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
    <Other valuable info not currently tracking, ie pulled/installed, tech doing work, etc>

Obviously that is just a rough sample of the way the schema could be setup. I'm sure you can see that mapping the data will be much easier now, and more flexable for future updates. In order to maintain backwards compatibility, if needed, you could just create a view with the current table's name and select the data from the new tables.

If going down this path is not possible/acceptable I would look at pulling your data out of the temp table and inserting it into your current table with a PIVOT. See this TechNet article for basic information about pivoting (the syntax from 2008R2 will work in 2012).