Sql-server – Clustered Index Scan when using greater than in WHERE clause

execution-plansql serversql server 2014

I have the following table

create table t1(
col1 varchar(255) NOT NULL,
col2 varchar(255) NULL,
col3 bigint NULL,
   col1 asc


This table has ~10000 rows with col2 always being populated and col3 has varying percentages of rows that are NOT NULL.

I am running the following query

DECLARE @number bigint
SET @number = 123456
SELECT col1, col2 FROM t1
WHERE col3 > @number

SQL is always generating a execution plan with a clustered index scan.

Now if I run the query as an adhoc query SQl does an index seek on I_col3 with a key lookup

SELECT col1, col2 FROM t1
WHERE col3 > 123456

The value being passed in the WHERE clause results in a small number of rows being returned (e.g. 3)

When running the ad-hoc query the execution plan shows the Estimated Number of Rows as 3.32. However, when I run the parameterized query it shows 2796 estimated rows.

If I add an index hint to the ad-hoc query it still shows 2796 estimated rows (not that I expect this to change) but it does do an index seek. When comparing the number of logical reads between the ad-hoc and parameterized query the
Parameterized Query:
Scan count 1, logical reads 89, physical reads 1, read-ahead reads 64, lob logical reads 0, lob physical reads 0, lob read-ahead reads 0.

Ad-Hoc Query
Scan count 1, logical reads 8, physical reads 1, read-ahead reads 0, lob logical reads 0, lob physical reads 0, lob read-ahead reads 0.

And when forcing the index using the index hint
Scan count 1, logical reads 12, physical reads 1, read-ahead reads 18, lob logical reads 0, lob physical reads 0, lob read-ahead reads 0.

I'm currently running SQl 2014 CP1-CU5. I've tried using trace flag 9184 to force SQL to use the old cardinality estimator which reduces the estimated rows to 1627 but still does a clustered index scan. I've also tried on SQL 2008 R2 and it has the same behavior as SQL 2014 with trace flag 9184.

In between each iteration of the query I am clearing the procedure cache and buffer pool.

I should also noted that I have also tried the following

  1. Filtered INDEX on col3 WHERE NOT NULL
  2. Filtered STATS on col3 WHERE NOT NULL

I've also done a full rebuild on the both the clustered and non clustered indexes and verified that stats are up to date.

Any suggestions or ideas?

Thanks again

From reading through some links from Martin's answer I found the following blog post:


I confirmed that using sp_executesql or exec(@sql) does result in an index seek execution plan being generated and reused regardless of what the parameter value(s) are.

DECLARE @sql nvarchar(max)
SELECT @sql = 'SELECT col1, col2, FROM t1 WHERE col3 > @number'
EXEC sp_executesql @sql, N'@number bigint', @number = 123456789

Best Answer

The values of variables aren't generally sniffed so it will just assume a flat 30% of the table will be returned for that greater than predicate against an unknown value (cf. Selectivity Guesses in absence of Statistics).

When you use the literal it can look up the known value in the column statistics to get a much more accurate estimate.

If it estimates such a high percentage of the table will match it is exceedingly unlikely to give you a plan with lookups (the exact tipping point depends on how wide the table and index is).

If you use option (recompile) the variable value is able to be sniffed however...

DECLARE @number bigint
SET @number = 123456
SELECT col1, col2
WHERE col3 > @number

Will likely give you the same plan as when using the literal.