SQL Server Replication – Changing Replication Snapshot Folder, Require Re-snapshot?

replicationsql serversql-server-2012

We have SQL Server 2012 SP2 running on Windows Server 2012.

We need to change the snapshot folder for all (including default) transaction replication publications.

I have read that this means the replication needs to be re-initialized?

Why is the case? If I update table msdb.dbo.MSdistpublishers with the new working_directory then I can't see why the replication should need to be re-initialized?

Any recommendations appreciated.

Best Answer

You can change in this way

exec sp_changepublication  @publication
@force_invalidate_snapshot=0,--always remmeber that
@force_reinit_subscription=0--always remmeber that

exec sp_changepublication  @publication
@force_invalidate_snapshot=0,--always remmeber that
@force_reinit_subscription=0--always remmeber that