Sql-server – Centralized Backup report for SQL server databases

backupsql serversql-server-2012

Even though, I've searched couple of them online but still looking if there is a better way to manage the SQL server backups, almost across 250 servers.

Issue is we are not allowed sysadmin login to be created on one server to pull this report from.

Please suggest a link or way to view the health report for sql server backups.

Also SSRS works as we are not supposed to use database mail to sen emails

Best Answer

This is exactly why we wrote the stored procedure sp_BlitzBackups. Okay, so it can do a little bit more than centralize backup history, but you may not care about all that.

It's totally free, and part of our First Responder Kit.

An example of how to use it to push backup history is in the documentation.

EXEC sp_BlitzBackups    @PushBackupHistoryToListener = 1, -- Turn it on!
                        @WriteBackupsToListenerName = 'AG_LISTENER_NAME', -- Name of AG Listener and/or Linked Server 
                        @WriteBackupsToDatabaseName = 'FAKE_MSDB_NAME',  -- Fake MSDB name you want to push to. Remember, can't be real MSDB.
                        @WriteBackupsLastHours = -24 -- Hours back in time you want to go

I know it says stuff about AGs in there, but you can push data across a Linked Server. It doesn't have to be a an AG Listener.

If you have any questions or run into any bugs, you can get support at the GitHub repo.

Hope this helps!