Sql-server – Case Statement With Group By

pivotsql serversql-server-2008-r2

I think it is my group by in this syntax that is skewing my desired result set. I ONLY want to see the data I am requesting, however my query returns all the data like this:

salesman    Q1 2015 Q1 2016
Blue    NULL    NULL 
Blue    NULL    NULL
Blue    200     NULL
Blue    300     NULL
Blue    NULL    400
Blue    NULL    600

What I (thought) my syntax would return would ONLY be the below

salesman    [Q1 2015]   [Q1 2016]
Blue          500          1000

This is my DDL (well garbage data, but gets point across)

Create Table Barnacles
  warrantypurchasedate date
  ,salesman varchar(500)
  ,itemprice float
Insert Into Barnacles (warrantypurchasedate, salesman, itemprice) Values
('01/01/2014', 'Blue', 100)
,('02/01/2014', 'Blue', 300)
,('01/01/2015', 'Blue', 200)
,('02/01/2015', 'Blue', 300)
,('01/01/2016', 'Blue', 400)
,('02/01/2016', 'Blue', 600)

This is the query syntax I attempted:

,case when DATEPART(Year, warrantypurchasedate) = '2015' AND DATEPART(Quarter, warrantypurchasedate) = '1' then SUM(itemprice) else NULL end As [Q1 2015]
,case when DATEPART(Year, warrantypurchasedate) = '2016' AND DATEPART(Quarter, warrantypurchasedate) = '1' then SUM(itemprice) else NULL end As [Q1 2016]
FROM Barnacles
GROUP BY salesman, warrantypurchasedate

What should I alter in my query so that I only see the SUM() for Q1 15 and the SUM() for Q1 16 not a row returned for each entry in the table?

Best Answer

Untested, but I believe your query should look like:

SELECT salesman
      ,sum(case when DATEPART(Year, warrantypurchasedate) = '2015'
                 and DATEPART(Quarter, warrantypurchasedate) = '1'
                then itemprice 
           end) As [Q1 2015]
      ,sum(case when DATEPART(Year, warrantypurchasedate) = '2016'
                 and DATEPART(Quarter, warrantypurchasedate) = '1'
                then itemprice 
           end) As [Q1 2016]
FROM Barnacles
WHERE DATEPART(Year, warrantypurchasedate) in ('2015', '2016')
  AND DATEPART(Quarter, warrantypurchasedate) = '1' 
GROUP BY salesman

I moved sum outside of case, and added a WHERE clause to filter out relevent rows. I also removed date from the GROUP BY clause, otherwise you will get 1 row per date.