Sql-server – Can’t create Windows Login’s on a case sensitive SQL Server 2005 Instance – MSG 15401

case sensitivesql serversql-server-2005

I need to create 3 logins on a SQL Server 2005 instance:

  • DOMAIN\aaa
  • DOMAIN\bbb
  • DOMAIN\ccc

However two of them (aaa and bbb) fail with the following error:

Msg 15401, Level 16, State 1, Line 5 Windows NT user or group
'DOMAIN\aaa' not found. Check the name again.

When I try to add them with DOMAIN\AAA and DOMAIN\BBB it works.

What is causing this strange case sensitive behaviour? And how can I add all accounts
lower case?

I found a KB article from Microsoft for the 15401 error, but nothing in there explains this behaviour.

Best Answer

You chose a case sensitive collation when installing SQL Server

You will have "CS" in this result:


You either live with it or rebuild the master database