SQL Server – Use msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail for Calendar Appointments

sql server

For example, in health care, every employee gets a PPD test (they jab your arm with something) and you have to go back in 48 hours to see if you've sprouted an extra head.

Everybody forgets.

The nurses document in their EHR that they jabbed the patient, and I can send out an email reminding the employee to go check for their extra head, but I'd rather make it a calendar invite.


How would you set up an outlook calendar appointment from SQL Server?

Best Answer

(I dont have outlook to test it .. so the code is not tested by me)

Borrowed from : Send Outlook Calendar Requests in Email

EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail    
  @recipients ='<your email address>'    
  ,@subject = 'iCalendar Example'    
  , @query = 'SET NOCOUNT ON;SELECT ''BEGIN:VCALENDAR''+ CHAR(13)+ ''VERSION:2.0''+ CHAR(13)+ ''METHOD:PUBLISH''+ CHAR(13)+ ''BEGIN:VEVENT''+ CHAR(13)+ ''CLASS:PUBLIC''+ CHAR(13)+ ''DESCRIPTION:This is the iCalendar example Most client application support it''+ CHAR(13)+ ''SUMMARY:iCalendar''+ CHAR(13)+ ''DTEND:20150325T110000''+ CHAR(13)+ ''DTSTART:20150325T120000''+ CHAR(13)+ ''LOCATION:My Office''+ CHAR(13)+ ''END:VEVENT''+ CHAR(13)+ ''END:VCALENDAR'''   
  , @attach_query_result_as_file = 1   
  , @query_result_header = 0   
  , @query_result_separator = 'CHAR(10)+CHAR(13)'   
  , @exclude_query_output = 1   
  , @query_attachment_filename = '123.ics'