SQL Server – How to Backup to a Network Share Through a Separate NIC

backupNetworksql serversql-server-2008-r2

We're in the process having our SQL Server instances backup to a network share, but our network admins want to try and divert the bandwidth from the backups through a different network segment. I was curious if it were possible to configure SQL Server to run all backups through a secondary NIC?

Most of our servers are virtualized (so presenting the NIC isn't a problem) and we're running on SQL Server 2008 R2, 2012, & 2014 throughout our infrastructure.

Best Answer

Yes, see the Microsoft whitepaper A Technical Case Study: Fast and Reliable Backup and Restore of Multi-Terabyte Database Over the Network (DOC). On page 15, they explain how to separate out the backup targets onto multiple subnets and volumes.