Sql-server – BULK INSERT permission on a single database

sql serversql-server-2008

I work on a company that has straight IT security manners. I was hired as a Database Analyst in order to optimize some processes in our team. The problem is that I only have read and write permissions and I'm trying to work out in getting advanced permissions on the databases. Currently we have a lot of Databases in a single server and we can only work on a single Database, I was wondering if the BULK INSERT permission could be given to a single database or would that be permission to the whole server?

I've searched through the web about this but I got a little confused. This is what I found out. In order to use BULK INSERT I should have INSERT permission to the desired table or database and the ADMINISTER BULK OPERATIONS which is a server wide permission.
If I was given ADMINISTER BULK OPERATIONS permission on the whole database and the INSERT permission on a single database, wouldn't I be able to only BULK INSERT in that single database, since I don't have INSERT permission on other databases?

Is it possible to restrict the use of BULK INSERT to a single database on a server that has multiple databases?

Sorry about the text wall, and thanks!

Best Answer

Ok folks,

I've asked this on Brazilian msdn forum as well and I got the answer (Forum discussion: BULK INSERT por DATABASE). The user Roberson Ferreira _ helped me. I imagine you can't read Portuguese so I will describe the answer here.

It doesn't matter if the ADMINISTER BULK OPERATIONS is server-wide, the user won't be able to BULK INSERT into a certain database if they don't have the INSERT permission as well. The INSERT permission is a database/table-level permission.

Additionally, the ADMINISTER BULK OPERATIONS is not going to grant the user any other permissions over the server or database, all the user will be able to do is BULK INSERT in the database where they have INSERT permission as well.