SQL Server – Bulk Changing SSRS Schedules

sql serverssrs

I have around 100 SQL Server Reporting Services subscriptions that I need to change the schedule on. The schedules are all standalone, not shared.

Is there a way that I can easily bulk change the report schedules?

Moving them all to handful of common shared schedules would also be acceptable, but again I'd rather not have to do it manually.

I've been experimenting with Powershell to talk to the Reporting Services web service, but it seems far from straightforward to edit schedules, so I'm hoping that there's an easier way.

Best Answer

This is an old question that I actually landed on in my quest trying to accomplish the same task recently. I wanted to follow up with my solution in case someone else lands here as well.

I actually wrote a few functions in powershell to get the job done. You can see the code and process here