Sql-server – Blocking caused by Query Store. Unable to clear or disable

blockingquery-storesql serversql-server-2016

I recently updated our 2016 SQL Server to SP2 and the most recent CU (KB4458621) released in August 2018. Just in the last day or so, I noticed that I have some blocking going on. I can't kill the SPID b/c it isn't a user process. According to SP_WHO2, the command is "Query Store ASYN". I've tried purging the data and disabling the query store via Script and through the UI. Nothing seems to work and it just spins and then starts to cause more blocking. Is anyone else having this issue? Can anyone please help me figure out how to disable the query store successfully? SP_WhoIsActive @show_System_SPIDS = 1 results below (query store results only)

SP_WhoIsActive 1
SP_WhoIsActive 2

UPDATE – This is now caused TempDB drive to fill up. Going to try a reboot in a few hours and see if that resolves the issue. Will keep you posted.


Best Answer

Based on your explanation, I believe this is related to KB4461562, and was resolved in the latest Cumulative Update 5.

FIX: Transactions and log truncation may be blocked when you use Query Store in SQL Server 2016 and 2017