Sql-server – best way to consolidate data


I have three select statements which have the bulk of their columns which are the same except a few. So here is an example

,'P' as OrgType*
, Lang
,*cast(Null as varchar) as BoardName
,cast(Null as varchar) as SchoolName*

,SUM(CASE WHEN IncludeColumn = 1 AND SecondInclude IN(5) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as Column1
,SUM(CASE WHEN IncludeColumn = 1 AND SecondInclude IN(6) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as Column2
,SUM(CASE WHEN IncludeColumn = 1 AND SecondInclude IN(4) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as Column3

WHERE *[Include_All] = 1* 
Group By *[Lang]*

,'B' as OrgType
, Lang
, BoardName
,cast(Null as varchar) as SchoolName

,SUM(CASE WHEN IncludeColumn = 1 AND SecondInclude IN(5) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as Column1
,SUM(CASE WHEN IncludeColumn = 1 AND SecondInclude IN(6) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as Column2
,SUM(CASE WHEN IncludeColumn = 1 AND SecondInclude IN(4) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as Column3
WHERE [Include_Board] = 1 
Group By [Lang], BoardName

,'S' as OrgType
, Lang
, BoardName

,SUM(CASE WHEN IncludeColumn = 1 AND SecondInclude IN(5) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as Column1
,SUM(CASE WHEN IncludeColumn = 1 AND SecondInclude IN(6) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as Column2
,SUM(CASE WHEN IncludeColumn = 1 AND SecondInclude IN(4) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as Column3

WHERE [Include_School] = 1 
Group By [Lang], BoardName

So as you can see, the calculated columns are the same in each "grouping". The problem is that I have about 70 calculated fields (which are the same) in all three select statements. This makes reading the script horrible as i have to endlessly scroll.

The main changes are the first couple of columns in the select statement and then the way it groups by at the end.

Right now my current solution is to set strings and execute them. IE, I'll have

header1 = "SELECT FROM all..." 
header2 = "SELECT FROM board.."
header3 = "SELECT FROM school.."
footer1 = "GROUP BY lang"
footer2 = "GROUP BY lang, board"
footer3 = "GROUP BY lang, school" 
Common = CalculatedFields

EXECUTE (header1 + common + footer1)
EXECUTE (header2 + common + footer2)

but this just makes my script all red because its one large string. Not only that I have to break it up into different strings because I have a lot of text.

Any ideas on how to best do this while maintaining readability and clarity?

Best Answer

Use a CROSS APPLY (or perhaps OUTER APPLY) to replace the case statement in your aggregates like this:

with f as (
    select * from ( values

  ,'B' as OrgType
  , Lang
  , BoardName
  ,cast(Null as varchar) as SchoolName

  ,SUM(Column1) as Column1
  ,SUM(Column2) as Column2
  ,SUM(Column3) as Column3

WHERE [Include_Board] = 1 
  AND Table.IncludeColumn  = f.IncludeColumn
  AND TableB.SecondInclude = f.SecondInclude
Group By [Lang], BoardName

where now the table f can (as appropriate) be:

  • a permanent table in your database; or
  • a temporary table defined by the application; or
  • a table variable created within the stored procedure

This has the additional advantage of being data-driven; in the case that your masking needs to be amended, only a data change is required instead of a code change.