Sql-server – BCP error near the keyword ‘as’

bcpsql serversql-server-2008

I am new to using BCP but I am trying to extract data generated via a stored proc. This is a continuation of my original question which was a stored procedure with temp tables. This procedure has grown a bit but the core is the same, generate temp tables, run dynamic SQL to populate the tables and then return data.

I realized quickly that bcp does not like temp tables via the error:

SQLState = S0002, NativeError = 208

Error = [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 10.0][SQL Server]Invalid Object name '#SurveyData

So I changed my procedure to remove the #temp tables and use actual tables. But now I get an error:

SQLState = 37000, NativeError = 156

Error = [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 10.0][SQL Server]Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'as'

I believe the issue is with the dynamic SQL. There is an as in the statement.

SET @sql = 'INSERT INTO cl.Results ' +
                            ' SELECT s.SurveyId
                                , s.InstanceId
                                , CASE WHEN columnName = ''' +  @ColumnName + ''' THEN REPLACE(columnName, ''Q_'', '''') ELSE '''' END 
                                , Cast(s.' + @ColumnName + ' as varchar(1000))
                            FROM cl.SurveyData t 
                            INNER JOIN dbo.' + @TableName + ' s' +
                            ' ON REPLACE(t.tableName, ''Library_'', '''') = s.SurveyID ' +
                            ' WHERE t.columnName = ''' + @ColumnName + ''''


The code that I am using in BCP to execute is:

bcp "exec dbo.getresults" queryout "c:\temp\mytext.txt" -S <myserver> -T -c -t^|

I am open to any suggestions about how to get this data extracted, even if I have to rewrite the stored procedure.

Can I not use BCP to execute a stored proc with dynamic SQL? If not, how else should I consider extracting this data? SSIS does not seem to like either the temp tables or dynamic SQL either.

Edit: using print(@sql)

INSERT INTO cl.Results  
SELECT s.SurveyId
    , s.InstanceId
    , CASE WHEN columnName = 'Q_1' THEN REPLACE(columnName, 'Q_', '') ELSE '' END 
    , Cast(s.Q_1 as varchar(1000))
FROM cl.SurveyData t 
INNER JOIN dbo.Library_1 s 
    ON REPLACE(t.tableName, 'Library_', '') = s.SurveyID  WHERE t.columnName = 'Q_1'

INSERT INTO cl.Results  
SELECT s.SurveyId
    , s.InstanceId
    , CASE WHEN columnName = 'Q_2' THEN REPLACE(columnName, 'Q_', '') ELSE '' END 
    , Cast(s.Q_2 as varchar(1000))
FROM cl.SurveyData t 
INNER JOIN dbo.Library_2 s 
    ON REPLACE(t.tableName, 'Library_', '') = s.SurveyID  WHERE t.columnName = 'Q_2'

INSERT INTO cl.Results  
SELECT s.SurveyId
    , s.InstanceId
    , CASE WHEN columnName = 'Q_3' THEN REPLACE(columnName, 'Q_', '') ELSE '' END 
    , Cast(s.Q_3 as varchar(1000))
FROM cl.SurveyData t 
INNER JOIN dbo.Library_2 s 
    ON REPLACE(t.tableName, 'Library_', '') = s.SurveyID  
WHERE t.columnName = 'Q_3'

INSERT INTO cl.Results  
SELECT s.SurveyId
    , s.InstanceId
    , CASE WHEN columnName = 'Q_4' THEN REPLACE(columnName, 'Q_', '') ELSE '' END 
    , Cast(s.Q_4 as varchar(1000))
FROM cl.SurveyData t 
INNER JOIN dbo.Library_2 s 
    ON REPLACE(t.tableName, 'Library_', '') = s.SurveyID  
WHERE t.columnName = 'Q_4'

Edit: Here is the full script that I am running without any temp tables:

truncate table cl.Results
truncate table cl.SurveyData

-- insert the survey table structures for use
insert into cl.SurveyData (tableName, columnName, columnId, rownum)
select tables1.name, cols1.name, column_id, ROW_NUMBER() over(order by tables1.name, column_id)
from sys.all_columns cols1
inner join 
    SELECT *
    FROM sys.all_objects
    WHERE type = 'U' 
    AND upper(name) like 'LIBRARY%' 
) Tables1
    ON cols1.object_id = tables1.object_id
WHERE cols1.name Like 'Q_%'
ORDER BY tables1.name, column_id;

declare @sql varchar(max) = '';
declare @RowCount int = 1;
declare @TotalRecords int = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cl.SurveyData);

Declare @TableName varchar(50) = '';
Declare @ColumnName varchar(50) = '';

WHILE @RowCount <= @TotalRecords

        SELECT @TableName = tableName, @ColumnName = columnName
        FROM cl.SurveyData
        WHERE @RowCount = rownum

        SET @sql = 'INSERT INTO cl.Results ' +
                    ' SELECT s.SurveyId
                        , s.InstanceId
                        , CASE WHEN columnName = ''' +  @ColumnName + ''' THEN REPLACE(columnName, ''Q_'', '''') ELSE '''' END 
                        , Cast(s.' + @ColumnName + ' as varchar(1000))
                    FROM cl.SurveyData t 
                    INNER JOIN dbo.' + @TableName + ' s' +
                    ' ON REPLACE(t.tableName, ''Library_'', '''') = s.SurveyID ' +
                    ' WHERE t.columnName = ''' + @ColumnName + ''''


        SET @RowCount = @RowCount + 1       

    SELECT r.SurveyId, 
            when chat.DataName = 'BRKR_ACCT_ID' and chat.DataValue is not null then chat.DataValue
            when email.PropName = 'ACCT_ID' and email.PropValue is not null then email.PropValue
        END Account_ID,
            when chat.DataName = 'BRKR_CUST_ID' and chat.DataValue is not null then chat.DataValue
            when email.PropName = 'CUST_ID' and email.PropValue is not null then email.PropValue
        END Cust_ID,
            when chat.LoginName is null 
            then email.LoginName 
            else chat.LoginName 
        end SchwabId,
            when chat.CustEmail is null 
            then email.ReplyTo 
            else chat.CustEmail 
        end CustomerEmail,
        CONVERT(varchar, DATEADD(ms, DATEDIFF(SECOND, sp.datesent, sp.datecompleted) * 1000, 0), 108) ResponseTime,
    FROM cl.Results r
    INNER JOIN dbo.SurveyParam sp
        ON r.InstanceId = sp.InstanceID
        AND r.SurveyId = sp.SurveyID
    -- chat surveys uses Param4
        SELECT si.SessionID, 
            ltrim(rtrim(sie.DataValue)) DataValue, 
            ltrim(rtrim(sie.DataName)) DataName
        FROM dbo.SessionInfo si
        LEFT JOIN dbo.Users u
            ON si.LastAgent = u.id
        LEFT JOIN dbo.SessionInfoExternals sie
            ON si.SessionID = sie.SessionID
        WHERE sie.DataName IN ('BRKR_ACCT_ID', 'BRKR_CUST_ID')
    ) chat
        ON sp.Param4 = chat.SessionID
    -- email surveys uses Param3
        SELECT mm.MsgID, 
            ltrim(rtrim(mie.PropValue)) PropValue,
            ltrim(rtrim(mie.PropName)) PropName
        FROM dbo.MailReply mr
        INNER JOIN dbo.MailMessage mm
            ON mr.ReplyToID = mm.MsgID
        LEFT JOIN dbo.Users u
            on mr.AgentID = u.ID
        LEFT JOIN dbo.MsgInfoExternals mie
            ON mm.IncidentID = mie.Instance
        WHERE mie.PropName IN ('CUST_ID', 'ACCT_ID')
    ) email
        ON sp.Param3 = email.MsgID
    WHERE sp.DateCompleted is not null

Best Answer

I believe that BCP does a two phase process. The first is done with a format only where the query isn't actually executed but it is parsed so that BCP can figure out the columns that will be returned and in the second phase it actually runs the query. You are failing on the first phase as the temp table doesn't exist so it can't be used for the format only option.

Basically the use of the temp table isn't going to work.