SQL Server – Discrepancy in Batch Requests/sec Between DMV and Activity Monitor

dmvperformancesql server

I have verified through SQL Server Profiler that my request per-second are around 30 request/s as is corroborated by SSMS Activity Monitor but sys.dm_os_performance_counters is reporting hundreds of millions/s.

Any idea what might be causing this gross discrepancy?


    RTrim(LTrim(object_name)) as object_name,
    RTrim(LTrim(counter_name)) as counter_name,
    instance_name IN ('', '_Total')
    and counter_name IN (
        N'Batch Requests/sec'
        , N'SQL Compilations/sec'
        , N'SQL Re-Compilations/sec'
        , N'Transactions/sec')


object_name counter_name    cntr_value
SQLServer:Databases Transactions/sec    191721399
SQLServer:SQL Statistics    Batch Requests/sec  242955426
SQLServer:SQL Statistics    SQL Compilations/sec    42048371
SQLServer:SQL Statistics    SQL Re-Compilations/sec 1200947

Best Answer

From the documentation:

Note: For per-second counters, this value is cumulative. The rate value must be calculated by sampling the value at discrete time intervals. The difference between any two successive sample values is equal to the rate for the time interval used.

If you'd like something that already does interval sampling, sp_BlitzFirst is pretty neat, and free, and full disclosure: I am a contributor, etc.