Sql-server – Bandwidth usage in Sql Server

monitoringsql server

Our compagny has a central Sql Server Database which is connected to many applications (Web, Backend/Frontend services, backoffice, ..) This database is hosted in a small country (for taxing advantages) where bandwidth is expensive.

Is there any way to have a detailed view of bandwidth usage ? such as how bytes are sent per application, per stored procedure, per login…

I want to monitor this at Sql Server because I can not do this at client side (too many clients and it is not suitable to alter client code for that)

Best Answer

You can snap sys.dm_exec_connections which will give you the net IO metrics for any given connection. The associated sys.dm_exec_sessions will identify the connection client (host, application). Since you need aggregated history and the view gives moment in time snapshot you will have to do the usual transformations to convert moment-in-time to aggregate history.