Azure SQL – Mitigating Tempdb Filling Up During Large Table Conversion to Columnstore

azureazure-sql-databasecolumnstoresql servertempdb

I have a large reporting table (approx 6B rows) taking up roughly 400GB of storage on an azure sql db. I've been trying to convert it to a columnstore table using the following commands:

insert Logs(Message) values ('Creating SRR table...');
select top 0 * into temp.SRR from dbo.SRR (nolock);
create clustered columnstore index ix_SRR on temp.SRR with (online = off);
create index ix_SRR_JobId on temp.SRR (JobId);
insert Logs(Message) values('Populating SRR table...');
insert into temp.SRR with (tablock) select * from dbo.SRR (nolock);
insert Logs(Message) values ('Switching out SRR table...');
alter schema old transfer dbo.SRR;
alter schema dbo transfer temp.SRR;
insert Logs(Message) values ('SRR table converted.');
if (select count_big(*) from old.SRR (nolock)) = (select count_big(*) from dbo.SRR (nolock)) begin
    drop table old.SRR;
    insert Logs(Message) values('Deleted old SRR table.');
end else begin
    insert Logs(Message) values('Row counts between old.SRR and dbo.SRR do not match; retaining old.SRR.');

This has worked for all of our other large reporting tables, but this one (after a good 30 hours of DTU time) consistently fails with the message:

Msg 40544, Level 17, State 2, Line 195
The database 'tempdb' has reached its size quota. Partition or delete data, drop indexes, or consult the documentation for possible resolutions.

What can I do to make this work?

Best Answer

Bulk inserting into a CLUSTERED COLUMNSTORE index by itself shouldn't be blowing up tempdb. Rows are read and put into compressed rowgroups in chunks of 1 million, there is no reason for long term tempdb usage.

I believe the problem is the non-clustered index ix_SRR_JobId on temp.SRR (JobId);

First try moving the index creation to after the bulk insert:

insert Logs(Message) values('Populating SRR table...');
insert into temp.SRR with (tablock) select * from dbo.SRR (nolock);
create index ix_SRR_JobId on temp.SRR (JobId) WITH (SORT_IN_TEMPDB = OFF);

This will substantially reduce tempdb pressure.

If tempdb is still blowing up, then try loading the data in smaller chunks. How you partition the data doesn't really matter, but, it should be based on the leading column(s) of an existing clustered index (unique or not). The chunks should be small enough to load but large enough to avoid excessive "delta rowgroups" (Columnstore Indexes: Data Loading Guidance).

As a starting point, aim for 10-20 chunks of equal size. If the base table is 2 TB, then these would be 100-200 GB. Adjust up or down until you get it to work.

For example, if column1 is a datetime, then try loading by year or quarter or month.