Sql-server – azure db export to blob storage failed

azureazure-sql-databasesql server

i am trying to simply export BACPAC file from azure db to azure blob storage

as mentioned here : https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-sql/database/database-export

but it is failed with error :

The Azure SQL Server firewall did not allow the operation to connect.
To resolve this, please select the "Allow All Azure"checkbox in the
Sql Server's configuration blade.

what's the cause of this error i am not sure, do you think i have to enable allow all azure service checkbox in azure db firewall? ( before i took backup and i was not doing this step)

also wanted to mention that both resource azure blob and azure db are in private virtual network.

also i am scared of this : https://www.fmsinc.com/microsoft-azure/sql-server/security.htm


Best Answer

you have to allow azure services and applications to connect to your database.

Take a look at the firewall rules in Azure sql database: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-sql/database/firewall-configure

You can eventually allow azure services to connect to your database in this way: enter image description here

You can disable this option after the export activity. Please, remember that this is not an option of export task but this is a firewall rule of your Azure SQL Database Server.

Consider the export task like an azure service against your database so you have to allow azure to connect as written here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-sql/database/firewall-configure#connections-from-inside-azure