Sql-server – Average Time to Load 1.2 million records from Oracle INTO SQL SERVER 2008R2

oraclesql serverssis

I have an ssis package which loads 1.2 million records of data from oracle into SQL SERVER 2008R2(with 32 GB RAM) dataware house table once every week. (truncating and loading)

This process is taking 5 hours to complete the load of 1.2 million records.

If any body did the same thing,i wanted to know their average time to complete the load.

I am new to ssis. Please advice me. Is 5 hours an optimum time ??

Note: the destination table is de-normalized and no indexes are there on it because it is in the dataware house.

Best Answer

Time taken would depend on

  • Row length
  • Network Bandwidth
  • Available resources on the source DB server
  • And finally on data volume, as in number of rows

To put things in perspective - I recently did a similar migration. A table with 40 columns ( a mix on nvarchar and numeric) and 3 million rows of data took 35 minutes, where as another table with 7.5 million rows of data ( again a mix of nvarchar and numeric), but with 104 columns took more than 7 hours.

Conversely, a third table with 18 million rows of data, 6 columns, all numeric took 14 minutes. It is impossible to answer this question with Yes or No, with the information provided.
