Auto Rollback Explicit Transactions After a Set Time in SQL Server

sql server

Is it possible to have SQL Server auto rollback your transactions after a certain amount of time to avoid the blocking/locking that is caused? I have been guilty of this in the past and I hear it from many others that it is a common mistake.

For example:
I always use a block such as this When doing deletes/updates.

--SQL Code Here

This allows me to see how many rows are affected or perform a select on the data and then I can comment out the ROLLBACK which will automatically COMMIT the TRANSACTION.

However, there is a possibility of the of not having the COMMIT highlighted/selected which causes the transaction to hang. What I am looking for is a setting such as:

BEGIN TRAN 15 Seconds
--SQL Code Here

This will only keep the transaction open a max of 15 seconds.

If this is not possible, does anyone have a better workflow for this?

Best Answer

You could create a job that checks for open transactions and kills them if they've been open for a period of time and are causing blocking. But you'd have to be careful with this as you could have a large, necessary transaction that takes a while that you don't want to get killed. Imagine rolling back an index rebuild that's been running for an hour on Standard Edition.

You can use sp_WhoIsActive to find open transactions that are causing blocking, though it'll take a bit of work.

But I would recommend that you don't do this and instead are diligent with your transactions in Management Studio. Any window that I ever started a transaction in gets closed when I am done. And if there's still an open transaction in it, SSMS will warn me about it so that I can commit/rollback.