Sql-server – all the dependants of a stored procedure or function recursively – but shown only once

ctedependenciesrecursivesql serversql-server-2016

I often work with third party data professionals and they ask me to replicate whatever table(s) such and such stored procedure or function or view touches within one or more databases.

so I have been developing this CTE, shown below, that does a good work, BUT on the result set it shows the table multiple times as the table might be used in one of the functions dependent on the main one, and had probably already been listed.

I would like those tables to be shown only one, and I am struggling to find an elegant solution to get that done.

for example:
on the picture below the table dbo.Application is listed 5 times, each time because it is used within one of the dependant functions.
But I only need to replicate the table once, so I would like it to be shown only once, how can I achieve that?

enter image description here

here is my current code
please replace 946935291 by the object_id of your own stored procedure for testing.



            ;WITH stored_procedures AS (

                o.object_id as proc_id
                ,oo.object_id as depentent_id
                ,SCHEMA_NAME(O.schema_id) + '.' + o.name AS proc_name
                ,o.type_desc AS proc_type
                ,depentent_Name =SCHEMA_NAME(OO.schema_id)  + '.' + oo.name
                ,ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY o.name,oo.name ORDER BY o.name,oo.name) AS row
                FROM sys.sql_dependencies  d 
                INNER JOIN sys.objects o ON o.object_id=d.object_id
                INNER JOIN sys.objects oo ON oo.object_id=d.referenced_major_id

                --WHERE 1 = CASE WHEN @SPID = 0 THEN 1 
                       --        ELSE CASE WHEN @spid  = o.object_id 
                                --         THEN 1 
                                         --ELSE 0 
           --                         END
                    --      END 

                    -- THE OBJECT TYPES

                    --AF = Aggregate function (CLR)
                    --C = CHECK constraint
                    --D = DEFAULT (constraint or stand-alone)
                    --F = FOREIGN KEY constraint
                    --FN = SQL scalar function
                    --FS = Assembly (CLR) scalar-function
                    --FT = Assembly (CLR) table-valued function
                    --IF = SQL inline table-valued function
                    --IT = Internal table
                    --P = SQL Stored Procedure
                    --PC = Assembly (CLR) stored-procedure
                    --PG = Plan guide
                    --PK = PRIMARY KEY constraint
                    --R = Rule (old-style, stand-alone)
                    --RF = Replication-filter-procedure
                    --S = System base table
                    --SN = Synonym
                    --SO = Sequence object


            --select *
            --from stored_procedures sps
            --where    sps.proc_id = 946935291
            --and ROW = 1

 ,  recurse 
 as (
      SELECT   depth = 1
              ,THE_ORDER= CASE WHEN sps.depentent_type='USER_TABLE' THEN '' ELSE sps.depentent_type END
      FROM     stored_procedures sps
      WHERE    sps.proc_id = 946935291 -- <-- use this to filter results.
        AND    sps.row = 1


        SELECT  depth = R.depth + 1
               ,THE_ORDER= CASE WHEN sps.depentent_type='USER_TABLE' THEN '' ELSE sps.depentent_type END
          FROM  stored_procedures sps
    INNER JOIN  recurse  R
            ON  SPS.proc_id = R.depentent_id
           AND    sps.row = 1


 SELECT  r.proc_id
        ,[Parameters]  = STUFF( ( SELECT ','+ 

                         CASE WHEN p.parameter_id = 0 THEN 'RETURNS'  ELSE p.name 
                         END -- this is the return value
                         ' ' 
                         CASE UPPER(TYPE_NAME(p.user_type_id))

                              WHEN 'CHAR'       THEN '(' + CASE WHEN p.max_length = -1 THEN 'MAX' ELSE  CAST (p.max_length AS VARCHAR)  END + ')'
                              WHEN 'DECIMAL'    THEN '(' + CAST (p.precision AS VARCHAR) + ',' + CAST (p.scale AS VARCHAR) + ')' 
                              WHEN 'NUMERIC'    THEN '(' + CAST (p.precision AS VARCHAR) + ',' + CAST (p.scale AS VARCHAR) + ')' 
                              WHEN 'NCHAR'      THEN '(' + CASE WHEN p.max_length = -1 THEN 'MAX' ELSE  CAST (p.max_length/2 AS VARCHAR) END + ')'
                              WHEN 'NVARCHAR'   THEN '(' + CASE WHEN p.max_length = -1 THEN 'MAX' ELSE  CAST (p.max_length/2 AS VARCHAR) END + ')'
                              WHEN 'VARCHAR'    THEN '(' + CASE WHEN p.max_length = -1 THEN 'MAX' ELSE  CAST (p.max_length AS VARCHAR)   END + ')'
                              WHEN 'VARBINARY'  THEN '(' + CASE WHEN p.max_length = -1 THEN 'MAX' ELSE  CAST (p.max_length AS VARCHAR)   END + ')'
                              WHEN 'XML'        THEN ''
                              ELSE ''

                         CASE WHEN is_output = 1 THEN ' OUTPUT' ELSE '' END
                         FROM sys.parameters p 
                        WHERE r.proc_id = p.object_id 
                    ORDER BY p.parameter_id FOR XML PATH('')),1 ,1, '')
 FROM recurse r
 ORDER BY r.depth, r.THE_ORDER

Best Answer

Try this and let me know.

I added one more cte selecting from recurse to add a ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by depentent_type order by depth, row) as rn_type and added at the bottom WHERE ((depentent_type = 'USER_TABLE' AND rn_type = 1) OR depentent_type <> 'USER_TABLE')



            ;WITH stored_procedures AS (

                o.object_id as proc_id
                ,oo.object_id as depentent_id
                ,SCHEMA_NAME(O.schema_id) + '.' + o.name AS proc_name
                ,o.type_desc AS proc_type
                ,depentent_Name =SCHEMA_NAME(OO.schema_id)  + '.' + oo.name
                ,ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY o.name,oo.name ORDER BY o.name,oo.name) AS row
                FROM sys.sql_dependencies  d 
                INNER JOIN sys.objects o ON o.object_id=d.object_id
                INNER JOIN sys.objects oo ON oo.object_id=d.referenced_major_id

                --WHERE 1 = CASE WHEN @SPID = 0 THEN 1 
                       --        ELSE CASE WHEN @spid  = o.object_id 
                                --         THEN 1 
                                         --ELSE 0 
           --                         END
                    --      END 

                    -- THE OBJECT TYPES

                    --AF = Aggregate function (CLR)
                    --C = CHECK constraint
                    --D = DEFAULT (constraint or stand-alone)
                    --F = FOREIGN KEY constraint
                    --FN = SQL scalar function
                    --FS = Assembly (CLR) scalar-function
                    --FT = Assembly (CLR) table-valued function
                    --IF = SQL inline table-valued function
                    --IT = Internal table
                    --P = SQL Stored Procedure
                    --PC = Assembly (CLR) stored-procedure
                    --PG = Plan guide
                    --PK = PRIMARY KEY constraint
                    --R = Rule (old-style, stand-alone)
                    --RF = Replication-filter-procedure
                    --S = System base table
                    --SN = Synonym
                    --SO = Sequence object


            --select *
            --from stored_procedures sps
            --where    sps.proc_id = 20351287
            --and ROW = 1

 ,  recurse 
 as (
      SELECT   depth = 1
              ,THE_ORDER= CASE WHEN sps.depentent_type='USER_TABLE' THEN '' ELSE sps.depentent_type END
      FROM     stored_procedures sps
      WHERE    sps.proc_id = 858642302 -- <-- use this to filter results.
        AND    sps.row = 1


        SELECT  depth = R.depth + 1
               ,THE_ORDER= CASE WHEN sps.depentent_type='USER_TABLE' THEN '' ELSE sps.depentent_type END
          FROM  stored_procedures sps
    INNER JOIN  recurse  R
            ON  SPS.proc_id = R.depentent_id
           AND    sps.row = 1

 ,RecurseRowNumberPartitionedByDepententType as
 SELECT  r.proc_id
        ,[Parameters]  = STUFF( ( SELECT ','+ 

                         CASE WHEN p.parameter_id = 0 THEN 'RETURNS'  ELSE p.name 
                         END -- this is the return value
                         ' ' 
                         CASE UPPER(TYPE_NAME(p.user_type_id))

                              WHEN 'CHAR'       THEN '(' + CASE WHEN p.max_length = -1 THEN 'MAX' ELSE  CAST (p.max_length AS VARCHAR)  END + ')'
                              WHEN 'DECIMAL'    THEN '(' + CAST (p.precision AS VARCHAR) + ',' + CAST (p.scale AS VARCHAR) + ')' 
                              WHEN 'NUMERIC'    THEN '(' + CAST (p.precision AS VARCHAR) + ',' + CAST (p.scale AS VARCHAR) + ')' 
                              WHEN 'NCHAR'      THEN '(' + CASE WHEN p.max_length = -1 THEN 'MAX' ELSE  CAST (p.max_length/2 AS VARCHAR) END + ')'
                              WHEN 'NVARCHAR'   THEN '(' + CASE WHEN p.max_length = -1 THEN 'MAX' ELSE  CAST (p.max_length/2 AS VARCHAR) END + ')'
                              WHEN 'VARCHAR'    THEN '(' + CASE WHEN p.max_length = -1 THEN 'MAX' ELSE  CAST (p.max_length AS VARCHAR)   END + ')'
                              WHEN 'VARBINARY'  THEN '(' + CASE WHEN p.max_length = -1 THEN 'MAX' ELSE  CAST (p.max_length AS VARCHAR)   END + ')'
                              WHEN 'XML'        THEN ''
                              ELSE ''

                         CASE WHEN is_output = 1 THEN ' OUTPUT' ELSE '' END
                         FROM sys.parameters p 
                        WHERE r.proc_id = p.object_id 
                    ORDER BY p.parameter_id FOR XML PATH('')),1 ,1, '')
         ,ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by depentent_type, depentent_name order by depth, row) as rn_type
 FROM recurse r
FROM RecurseRowNumberPartitionedByDepententType
WHERE rn_type = 1
ORDER BY depth