SQL Server – Agent Service Account Not Clustered

clusteringfailoversql serversql-server-2008sql-server-2008-r2

One of the SQL Server 2008 R2 instances I administer is running on a two node Windows Cluster (Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise)
When I run the DMV sys.dm_server_services, SQL Server Service Account shows as Y under the 'is_clustered' column.
However, Agent Service Account is an 'N' for the same field 'is_clustered'. Is it something that I should be worried about and what might be causing this? Does this mean that Agent will not fail over?
Thank you

Best Answer

No, it is nothing to be worried about - the Agent isn't considered a clustered service to SQL Server simply because it can't fail over on its own.

You should test a failover and be confident that SQL Server Agent will start on the other node and that jobs will run etc. (sometimes there can be local dependencies that won't exist on the other node(s)), but the DMV itself should not be a concern. I checked several clusters in our environment and they all say Y for the SQL Server service and N for the other services:

enter image description here

I can assure you that these clusters fail over correctly and that SQL Server Agent works on all nodes.