SQL Server – Add Article to Transaction Replication Without Snapshot

sql serversql server 2014transactional-replication

I have a transaction replication and the subscription was synced from snapshot years ago. Now I have a new table that needs to be added to the replication. Problem is the table is close to a TB and I do not want to generate a snapshot for that table instead just want the new data to be synced, kinda like when you sync from backup. Its inserts only to the table and I can sync the old data manually later.

How do I make replication to start transferring the data without generating the snapshot.

Best Answer

There really isn't a supported way to do what you are asking. You can use a backup/restore but that would be to a new database. You could try a filtered article where you only grab data after a certain create date.

Or you could use a manual process such as an SSIS package or T-SQL Scripts to stage the schema and data. But the snapshot is more or less a required item.

I would probably do a single article snapshot or maybe look to filter if you can filter create_date > getdate() and then add in rows manually after if you have such a column, or an identity column, etc.

A few links:

About manually preparing.

About using backups or other methods.

About filtering.