Sql-server – AD groups and ms SQL security: is this default behavior

sql serversql-server-2016

I have a question regarding security in MS SQL Server (right now, I'm trying this on a SQL 2016).

User AD\testuser is in both AD security groups (AD\testgroup1 and AD\testgroup2).

  • A new database testDB is created.
  • A new table Testtable is created in testDB.
  • Login is created for AD\testgroup1
  • User AD\testgroup1 is created in database testDB
  • User AD\testgroup1 have select permission on table testTable.

We log in as AD\testuser, user only has select on TestTable –> as expected

  • Login is created for AD\testgroup2
  • User AD\testgroup2 is created in database testDB
  • User AD\testgroup2 granted for select, insert, update on table testTable.

We log in as testuser, user has select, insert, update on TestTable –> as expected

Login AD\testgroup2 is removed from server (so AD\testgroup2 is still a use rin the database, but login is removed)

We log in as testuser, user has select, insert, update (we were under the impression this should only be select)

Access for user AD\testgroup2 is revoked in database testDB

We log in as testuser, user has select, insert, update (we were under the impression this should only be select)

User AD\testgroup2 is dropped in database testDB. When we test with same user, user only has select –> as expected

Why do we still get the highest permissions, even when AD group is removed from logins, and disabled in DB users?

Best Answer

Why do we still get the highest permissions, even when AD group is removed from logins, and disabled in DB users?

This is because testuser is a member of both AD\testgroup1 and AD\testgroup2 and both those groups exist in the database with object permissions, resulting in cumulative object permissions for the testuser role member.

There is no requirement that a login exists for a Windows group database user; one can add a Windows group database user and grant permissions to that user regardless of whether a login for the Windows group exists. Permissions granted to groups will be honored for role members even if a corresponding login doesn't exist, as you've observed.

Without an individual login for testuser, the user must be a member of at least one Windows group with a login to connect to the server. This was AD\testgroup1 in your example after you dropped the AD\testgroup2 login. But the user still had object permisssions granted to AD\testgroup2 until you dropped the user.