SQL Server Activity Monitor Timeout Error – How to Resolve

activity-monitorsql serversql-server-2008-r2


Window server 2012R2: RAM = 4GB

Sql Server 2008R2: Min server memory = 0MB Max server memory = 2147483647MB

Background of problem:

I am managing database of asp.net application and recently application started to crash (when user tried to sign-in to the application; user see timeout exception on the browser).

In order to rectify the issue I set timeout =1000 in connection string of webconfig file and that resolved the issue.

When application was crashing I tried to turn on the activity monitor on Sql server instance but I coudn't start activity monitor and got following error:

enter image description here

My finding so far:
enter image description here

I started my quest and troubleshooted and found that there is memory pressure but I need expert advice if there is any link of activity monitor not starting with memory pressure? I know error is from database as Sql server was busy at the time of crash. How I can further troubleshoot the problem?

Best Answer

You're running out of RAM on the server. One of the comments refers to lowering your Max Server Memory setting. For an instance with only 4GB RAM (which is not really enough to run SQL Server), your Max Server Memory should be set to 2048MB at most, possibly even lower.